Dr. Randall Westbrook is a faculty member at the School of Education at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. He was also guest editor and contributor to The Journal of Negro Education and authored “Elusive Quest: Reflecting on Bell and Brown” for the Harvard Law School Journal on Racial and Ethnic Justice. He received his EdD from Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Education. Professor Westbrook specializes in the thought of W.E.B. DuBois and edited the volume, Education and Empowerment: The Essential Writings of W.E.B. DuBois (2013). In a February 2021 interview with of Dr. Westbrook, published in Mom&I Today, he reflects on teaching during Black History Month, “I talk about the Silent Parade of 1917 that Dubois led where there were 30,000 Black men, women, and children walking down the street, silent. They only carried signs, and how that scared people. 100 years later, we have people walking down the middle of the street relatively silent, holding signs, and it’s still scaring people.”