Edward Moreno

Edward Moreno

October 25, 2023

My take on how to handle poverty at BMCC

Poverty is not limited to financial deficiency. Many people may struggle with securing a  place of residence or may be oblivious on how to perform a task or may simply lack the  resources to give them a push towards achieving their goal. Poverty is also not limited to one  country or to one group of people. It has the potential to occur to anyone attending BMCC. My  idea could assist BMCC student struggling to overcome poverty. The goal is to introduce the  idea to gain more support and hopefully become topic of discussion that would lead to an implantation at BMCC. The idea was formulated during a group brainstorming discussion during my CIS 395 class for the Ideathon competition. Although this idea was not chosen as the main  resolution for the competition, I believe it’s something that needs to be introduced. 

The idea I want to introduce is to create a program that helps students find a place of  residence in exchange for their commitment to part-time work at the college. Once admitted into the program, students will have a safe place of residence to conduct their studies while gaining work experience. This program would be extremely helpful to international or out-of state students who may not have secured a place to stay during their time at BMCC. However, it  can expand to students with bad living conditions that may hinder their academic achievement.  Basically, the program’s main goal is to help students prevent them going to poverty. In addition, it has the potential to prepare BMCC students for a real-life situation once they finish earning  their degree. The program must include three main qualifications to be eligible for the program. First,  students must demonstrate financial need using their taxes or any document that proves how  much they or their parents earn in a year. Second, the student must provide a statement that  explains why they need the assistance. Finally, the student must maintain at least 3.5 GPA.