Sangeeta Bishop – work-in-progress

I will be teaching Feminist and Gender Economics in Spring 2022

The course description is as below, and the outline of topics and readings is here:

Course Outline and Readings

Course Description

Feminist economics critically analyzes both economic theory and economic life through the lens of gender and advocates various forms of feminist economic transformation. The objective is to retain and improve economic analysis by ridding the discipline of the biases created by the centrality of distinctively masculine concerns. We will look at feminist critiques of, and alternatives to, mainstream economics methodology and view of “economic man,” the firm, and the economy itself. Other themes in the course will be racial-ethnic, class, and country differences among women.

In my course each module tries to have a mix of humanities and non-humanities readings, each has a film that we watch and discuss. 

There is a module on Poverty and Welfare specifically in Week 12.What I am looking for is perhaps to add some more specifically humanities readings whether in this module or in others. 

Also, most of the modules and topics can be enriched and looked at through the lens of poverty, though I am wary of (a) reducing all feminist issues to being poor; and (b) having women become the face of poverty.  With these caveats in mind, I look forward to everyone’s input.

In Fall 2021, I will be teaching a section of Macroeconomics for honors students

That actually makes me more excited because I will be able to experiment more without freaking out the students. ?  So that by the time I teach a section of regular macroeconomics I will have refined the reading list. 

Here are some texts/readings/options that I am considering for this course.

  • We begin with a discussion on Scarcity. This would a perfect point to bring in a discussion of scarcity as related to poverty/class/inequality.  Need to find a film.
  • In the discussion on the Great Depression, I plan to use the picture/story of the migrant mother.
  • In the discussion on the New Deal, I plan to use a reading from Ira Katznelson’s book.
  • I plan to have the students watch the documentary Capital – related to Picketty’s book Capital in the 21st Century and use that as a basis for discussions around poverty in capitalism.

That’s as far as I have reached for this course.  Looking forward to input from my faculty fellows. 


  • Naveen Seth

    Two films/videos that may be useful:

    Last Week Tonight:
    Inequality for all:

  • Naveen Seth

    PS: The John Oliver video refernces Katznelson’s work.

  • Brett

    I have enjoyed using that documentary in the past and recommend it as a jumping off point for a discussion with students about constructive steps we can take fix American capitalism. For a feminist perspective, perhaps a discussion of micro finance pros and cons would fit. Also, JS Mill’s The Subjugation of Women.


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