Gottesdiener, Laura. 2013. A Dream Foreclosed: Black America and the Fight for a Place to Call Home. New York: Zuccotti Park Press.
Category: documents-and-readings
Baldwin, James

Baldwin, James. [1974] 2006. If Beale Street Could Talk: A Novel. New York: Vintage.
Xavier, Emanuel
Wolfe, Katharine
Westbrook, Randall

Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. 2013. Education and Empowerment: The Essential Writings of W.E.B. DuBois. Edited by Randall Westbrook. Hansen Publishing Group.
Wasserman, Jason
2010. American Refugees: Homelessness in Four Movements. Video. Directed by Jason Wasserman and Jeffrey Clair. Produced by B.
Verikaitis, Vac
For more information check out this link
2015. How Can a Warm Man Understand a Cold Man ( Directed by Vac Verikaitis. Produced by Why Poverty: Ontario Short Documentaries. TVO.
Vaisey, Stephen
Vaisey, Stephen. 2010. “What People Want: Rethinking Poverty, Culture, and Educational Attainment.” The ANNALS of the American Acaddemy of Political and Social Science 629 (1).
Thompson, Matt
Thompson, Matt. 2017. The 146 Point Flame (play). Dramatic Publishing.
Tai, Emily
Read it here.
Tai, Emily. 2017. “Homeless in College.” University Faculty Senate Blog – CUNY, September 11.