Response to: Where do you feel like a problem?
I think that poverty is an extremely terrible and bad thing because it’s poor and
Middle class people who are just struggling to live and feed themselves and
Families. I do think that the government is an extremely bad problem in my life
And my families because they can choose to help us, but they don’t want to
Because they are very selfish people who only care about themselves and stuff.
That is when you know that I am on my own and I must fend for myself. That is
Why I want to work hard and graduate from college so that I can get a good job so
That I can provide for my family, but I do think that it gets very overwhelming
Sometimes because I think that I am going to fail and not succeed with my goals
And stuff and that will we going to be stuck here forever and forever. I know that
It’s a crazy way of thinking but it just passes my mind sometimes. It’s hard not to
Think about but I think that it’s something that everyone thinks about sometimes
When you are in the same boat as me. I do feel at ease for now. I feel comfortable
with situations that I am in. I was never uncomfortable which is good. No, I don’t
feel invisible because I would always say hi to people and I never feel divided. I
sometimes get distracted because of stuff in my life and other things. I sometimes
feel ping-ponged because between me and my other self because I try to look
forward and not backwards. Yeah, sometimes my economic way does come
between me and the other me because you think ok first it’s not a problem and
then you think will I ever have enough money for myself and my family. If myself
could speak to those spaces that left me feeling split, I would say to myself to take
it easy and not stress about things because everything will be alright in the end.