Margaret Bourke-White
“The Louisville Flood,”
1937.2016 Fight for $15 action from the Fight for $15 Facebook page Poor People’s campaign button from the collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. Architect John Weibenson and unidentified members of the Poor People’s Campaign building a structure in 1968. Photo by Thomas O’Hallorhan. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. Scene from the 2020 summer protests in the streets of Nebraska. Image by Kalea Morgan. Internally displaced persons seen here inside a UN Refugee Agency tent in Timor Leste. Image: United Nations Photo, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 A man pushes a wheelbarrow in Ahvaz, Iran. Photo by Ashkan Forouzani Community food bank sign, 2020. Photo credit: Pixabay The tower at 432 Park Avenue in New York. Photo credit: Arturo Pardavila The tower at 432 Park Avenue in New York. Photo credit: Arturo Pardavila Double-sided flier advertising the 1972 Black Community Survival Conference with promotion provided by the Black Panther Party’s Angela Davis People’s Free Food Program. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture Image from April 2019 Orlando Sentinel Article, “LGBTQ alliance seeks to find answers for ‘most vulnerable’ homeless population.” Caption: National studies estimate that at least 40 percent of homeless youth are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. The National Welfare Rights Organization marching to end hunger. Photo from the Jack Rottier Collection. 2018 image tweeted from @tonarmVinyl.1975 Curtis Mayfield Album, “There’s No Place Like America Today” People wait in their vehicles to receive food at a drive-thru food distribution event in Chula Vista, California, on May 1, 2020.Photographer: Bing Guan/Bloomberg Image by Steve Rhodes, 2009. “I am the face of cuts to the disabled.” Protest of California health care budget cuts Newspaper image of the 1960s-1980s “London’s Squatters Campaign,” from a 2016 article “Decent Housing for All” in Ben Shahn mural “The Meaning of Social Security” by Ben Shahn located at the Wilbur J. Cohen Federal Building, Washington, D.C.. Photo credit: Carol Highsmith